- When you sit there are you looking directly at the VLED light, or are you watching TV and the light is hitting your eyes from the side, like at an angle? You can look at it directly, but not necessary. It must be in front, so the photons will enter the eye, just off to the side of tv will work. No more than 6 feet away.
- Does it matter what type of light bulb you have in the lamp, as in watts, led vs. incandescent, cool or warm color as in red vs. blue range, or do I need a bulb that simulates the full spectrum of the sun? Yes, it matters. You can only use an incandescent or halogen bulbs, minimum 40 watts. You can use any gooseneck lamp or regular lamp.
- Can you sit with the bulb shining in your face, but have your eyes closed like when sunbathing? No, it will not penetrate the skin enough to work.
- What if you want to do desk work like read a book or paint a picture. Does that benefit your health, or do you need to be getting a direct hit of the light on your eyes? That is fine. Just keep the light in front of you.
- How far away from the bulb can you be and still benefit? You can look at it directly, but not necessary. It must be in front, so the photons will enter the eye, just off to the side of tv will work. No more than 6 feet away.
- My mom had cataract surgery in both eyes and is putting drops in her eyes for glaucoma, will that be a problem? No.
- Finally, my mom has a pacemaker., is that a problem? No.
Email us if you have any questions – info@ValAsta.net