Major contributor to inflammation!!!!
Do You Really Want This in Your Diet?
Drinks to Avoid Not just sodas!!
Ken D. Berry, MD Explains
High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is banned in India, Ireland, Sweden, Austria, Uruguay, and Lithuania and used in limited quantities in France, China, Australia, and the UK. It is interesting to note that the US Food and Drug Administration states that HFCS is a safe ingredient for food and beverage manufacturing.
GMO / Fruit / Fructose Corn Syrup
Why some Fruit is bad!!
If it’s sweet, it’s got fructose.
Ken D. Berry, MD Explains
Eat only fruit in season and limit your fruit intake to 16 - 25 total grams per day. 0 grams if battling a disease until under control.
Taking ValAsta will help to reduce the free radicals that are produced and help to lower your inflammation levels to reduce disease, but it is up to you to lower your intake of fructose.
Click to read: Fructose re-programs glutamine-dependent oxidative metabolism to support LPS-induced inflammation
Supplementing your diet with the Patented formula of astaxanthin by ValAsta will help maintain the low CRP you need to stay healthy.