What is CRP?
Several body parts make CRP (c-reactive protein). It is especially made by immune cells, the liver, and fat cells (adipocytes).
Because CRP levels rise and fall depending on the amount of inflammation in the body, it is especially useful for inflammation that is not obvious, like internal inflammation.
What are CRP tests useful for?
CRP tests are a great gauge of how an infection, or an injury is progressing or healing.
It can also track the progress of chronic inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, vasculitis, inflammatory bowel diseases, and more.
Can it detect diseases?
There are no specific symptoms that are unique to an elevated C-Reactive protein level. However, if it is over 3 that could mean that you are in a constant state of inflammation and are at risk of developing an inflammatory disease.
What are CRP tests normal ranges?
Optimal CRP levels for everyone to strive for is under .55 mg/L in men and under 1.0 mg/L in women.
The fact that CRP test levels are high does not mean it is a bad thing if recent trauma has occurred in the body, the problems begin when the levels don’t go back down to normal after a while. This can indicate a destructive chronic inflammation.
When to test CRP?
You should test your CRP levels on occasion to determine if your body is in a chronic inflammatory state or if treatment is working.
Click here to locate a lab to have your test done.
ValAsta and a good diet will decrease your CRP, read the linked article: Astaxanthin decreased oxidative stress and inflammation and enhanced immune response in humans. Astaxanthin decreased oxidative stress.